2009. március 29., vasárnap


A masochist, sadist, murderer, pyromaniac, zoophile, and necrophiliac were all sitting on a bench toghether bored out of their minds. To break the silence the zoophile spoke up, "Let's have sex with a cat." He suggested.
The sadist spoke, "Let's have sex with a cat and then torture it."
The murderer spoke, "Let's have sex with a cat, torture it, and then kill it."
The necrophiliac got excited and spoke. "Let's have sex with a cat, torture it, kill it, then have sex with it again."
The pyromaniac spoke next, "Let's have sex with a cat, torture it, kill it, have sex with it again, then burn it."
They all fell quiet. The masochist then sheepishly smiled at them and said,

Nemtom már hol találtam, de nagyon kész... xDDD

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